In Progress Searching for the Truth: Investigation into the Authenticity of the Shabtis of Khaemwaset
In Progress Why the King Shakes the Sistrum
2017 The Pharaoh’s Magic - Imagery and Diplomacy in the Late Bronze Age in Ancient Near East Today vol. 5, no. 8, Aug. 2017
2017 Ḥeka: Understanding Egyptian Magic on Its Own Terms in Exodus Story: Meet the Egyptians, Torah and Biblical Studies (TheTorah.com), http://thetorah.com/heka-understanding-egyptian-magic-on-its-own-terms/.
2017 The Magicians Khamwaset and Meryra in Exodus Story: Meet the Egyptians, Torah and Biblical Studies (TheTorah.com), http://thetorah.com/the-magicians- khamwaset-and-meryra/.
2017 Foreigners in Ancient Egypt: Theban Tomb Paintings from the Early Eighteenth Dynasty (1550-1372 BC) (Bloomsbury Egyptology; London and New York, 2017).
2016 How the Egyptians Viewed Foreigners in Exodus Story: Meet the Egyptians, Torah and Biblical Studies (TheTorah.com), http://thetorah.com/egypts- attitude-towards-foreigners/.
2008 Created 18 Classroom “TUTorials” for the King Tutankhamun; the Golden King and the Great Pharaohs exhibition. Topics covered include “Canopic Coffinette,” “Harry Burton: Pharaoh’s Photographer,” “Crowns of the Kings of Egypt,” “Kingship in Ancient Egypt,” “Mummification in Ancient Egypt,” The Many Names of King Tutankhamun,” “Statue of Standing Osiris,” “Smiting the Enemies of Egypt,” Religion in Ancient Egypt,” Scribes and Writing in Ancient Egypt,” “Shabtis at Your Service,” “Symbols and Colors,” The History of Pharaonic Egypt,” “The River and the Two Lands,” “Thutmose’s Cat,” “The Tomb of King Tutanhamun” and “King Tutankhamun as a Child.”
2002 Contributing Author: A Zoo for Eternity: Animal Mummies from the Cairo Museum, The Supreme Council of Antiquities, Egypt.